Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Mozart Requiem

The Requiem was magnificent. What a legacy Mozart left behind him after his 35 years in the world. And here am I, more than twice his age, and what will be the legacy that I leave? Not much. This heart problem does bring home to me, more strongly than before,  that there may not be that much further to go. Of course, one always thinks about death, and that gets more significant as you get older, and you ask yourself, 'Have I ten years more?' Or, "Have I five years more?" Or could it be that when I have this pacemaker thing inserted that they will find something worse than has so far been revealed.
Leaving the Kennedy Center, we stopped at a small shopping place on the campus of George Washington University, and I bought myself an ice-cream cone that I thoroughly enjoyed. Four weeks ago I would not have bought it--too many calories, too much fat, too unhealthy. But now, what the hell? Buy it: enjoy it: forget about whether it's healthy or not.

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