Friday, April 15, 2011

The Patient on I-Phone

Joan took a picture of me on her I-phone, which has been blocked out for reasons that are a mystery to me. So I must content myself with describing it. In my left hand is a lollipop. In my right hand is my clip-board with the crosswords I print from the Guardian web-site. The sling on my right arm is scarcely visible. The hospital gown, as always, is in a state of disarray. I look reasonably healthy, and indeed Joan commented that I had a good colour, and contrasted it with my pallor when I emerged from the excision of my salivary gland a couple of years ago. But I think the colour was illusory: I certainly seemed more pallid when we came home the next day after a bad night. Maybe the pacemaker was pumping more blood to my face than usual when I emerged from the operation.

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